Engineering Services

Engineering Services Consultancy

FIC IPM in its role as Project Management Consultants, manages and maintains FELDA’s properties and assets.

FIC IPM takes an integrated and comprehensive team approach to identify the needs of each property before developing a systematic plan that corresponds to its requirements in delivering excellent end results.

Projects Reference

FELDA 1Malaysia Supply Project (BAF1M)

Road Upgrade Project at FELDA Settlements

Project for Building, Installing & Commissioning of Mild Steel Cement Lined

Project Of Building Drainage Infrastructure

Project of Building Dewan Semai Bakti

Project of Building FELDA Staff Quarters

Pakej Rangsangan Ekonomi (PRE 2020)

Build and Upgrade Community Buildings


FIC Integrated Property Management Sdn Bhd (Company Reg. No: 201601016192)

Level 2 & 6, Balai Felda

Jalan Gurney 1

54000 Kuala Lumpur



+603-2617 5000

+603-2617 5198

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